Nuclear power by country


Thirty one countries operate nuclear power stations and France generates most of its electricity by nuclear power. Some nations have plans to start new nuclear power plant infrastructure development, and these include: Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Country↓Megawatt capacity[1][2]↓Nuclear share of
electricity production[1][2]↓
Argentina Argentina9356.2%
Armenia Armenia37643.5%
Belgium Belgium5,72853.8%
Brazil Brazil1,9013.1%
Bulgaria Bulgaria1,90632.9%
Canada Canada12,65214.8%
People's Republic of China China (PRC)8,5872.2%
Croatia Croatia6968.0%
Czech Republic Czech Republic3,68625.0%
Finland Finland2,69622.0%
France France63,47376.2%
Germany Germany20,33928.3%
Hungary Hungary1,82637.2%
India India3,7792.0%
Japan Japan46,23624.9%
South Korea Korea, South (ROK)17,71635.6%
Mexico Mexico1,3104.0%
Netherlands Netherlands4853.8%
Pakistan Pakistan4252.4%
Romania Romania1,31017.5%
Russia Russia21,74316.9%
Slovakia Slovakia1,68856.4%
Slovenia Slovenia69641.7%
South Africa South Africa1,8425.3%
Spain Spain744818.3%
Sweden Sweden9,10442.0%
Switzerland Switzerland3,23739.2%
Republic of China Taiwan (ROC)4,91619.3%
Ukraine Ukraine13,16847.4%
United Kingdom United Kingdom11,03513.5%
United States United States101,11919.7%

